Thursday, May 30, 2013

Still filling in the GAPS as we take a few steps back.

This past weekend was the big Memorial Day weekend, so of course my hubby and I had our first experience with a party situation on the GAPS (intro) diet. Since it was grilled food, and we were progressing rather well, we proceeded to eat the meat along with this veggie, soupie mix we brought along just in case there weren't enough GAPS friendly options. Good thing we did because just about everything served (minus a beat salad that used Balsamic Vinaigrette - another thing to avoid on GAPS) was made up of grains or corn. In addition to the grilled food, we also enjoyed our own contribution of an avocado dip, which we may have indulged in a little too much (I wonder if I have some minor sensitivities to avocado based on previous experiences......). I also may have (definitely) over done it on the grilled food to the point that I ended up with a gut bustingly full belly. Probably not the best idea with the still sensitive digestive track, especially since I believe the grilled chicken had a not-so-GAPS-friendly marinade, possibly contributing to the following digestive issues......which lingered on to Monday.....during which I foolishly tried to introduce a new food: almond(/nut) flour bread. While quite delicious, I don't think my body was quite ready for it yet.

That brings me to where we are currently, once again making my way through the early parts of the intro diet. Tuesday I went back to stage one and continued with that until Wednesday. Today, Thursday, I added in some raw egg yolk in hopes of getting myself back to where I was previously. I have continued to increase the probiotic throughout the day, primarily dairy based. Not sure if this is helping or hindering yet. The gas and bloating, among other digestive issues of which I will spare you the details, have continued throughout this entire process. One of the hopes I had in getting back to the first stage was to help alleviate those symptoms as well. So far I have yet to feel any significant benefits. Perhaps it's the detox. Either way, I am planning/hoping to progress through this intro stage with a little more gusto to get myself eating more "normally" again, whatever that means at this point.....I'm continuing to hope that the process will, in the end, be a success.

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