Monday, May 13, 2013

On the GAPS journey: finding the culprit.

Starting the second week of GAPS has left me feeling less than optimal in the digestive area...Today starts the process of figuring out what food seems to be the culprit. By not adhering strictly to the protocol in how new foods are introduced, it's a little more difficult to determine what's causing the problems, but I think I have a good idea.

Prior to starting the GAPS diet, I was trying to increase my fresh vegetable intake as much as possible with as much variety as I could get. Tomatos and bell peppers were some of those foods I heard are especially good for the body, and of course add a good amount of color to the plate which is another indicator of a healthy meal. I noticed that I had some major digestive issues with this, but since I was adding these in conjunction with so many different foods it was difficult to pinpoint which was specifically causing the problem. With the limited GAPS diet, I haven't had much that would be causing any blatant digestive distress, until this last weekend when we tried making stew.

At this point, I feel comfortable making the hypothesis that it is in fact the nightshades causing the digestive issues, though further experimentation is required. So for the next few days, no tomatos or peppers. 

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