Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Continuing through week three of the GAPS intro

Some interesting developments over this last week, especially over the last couple of days, as the hubby and I continue through the GAPS intro diet.

Last week I was concerned that I was perhaps having some issues with night shades. I removed those from the diet and things seemed to have progressed on fairly well. I seemed less gassy and had fewer issues with overall digestion. I will try adding those in again, but a little more gently this time....(they were introduced with the GAPS beef stew recipe which is comprised mostly of tomatoes and meat....)

We had big plans for the weekend's breakfast. We had looked ahead to the next steps in the intro diet, and were excited at the prospect of introducing some pancakes and avocado. I was a little nervous since I was still seeing how things went without the night shades, but didn't want to disappoint the other half (or myself as I was also anxiously awaiting the new foods!). We looked up a recipe for the pancakes and had mixed success with them. They are definitely as people claim: very difficult to work with, and would never be mistaken for real pancakes (update to this recipe to follow). That being said, they were quite tasty, and it took lots of will power to not over do it with the new food. With the seeming success on Saturday, we continued with the pancakes and avocado on Sunday. We probably had a little more than we should have......but it was once again quite yummy! Noting some of my own digestion distress however, mild as it was, I decided to pay careful attention on Monday, and tried eliminating them on Tuesday. Today is now Wednesday, and while things did not start off the greatest with digestion, I'm once again avoiding the pancakes in hopes of allowing things to settle down again. Avocado is still on the menu, but will continue to be monitored.

One thing I forgot was that we both have seen a slight increase in gas. The hubby believe his to be the sauerkraut juice, I was uncertain. Regardless, we both have been avoiding it for a bit, myself trying to gradually wean off it to see if I couldn't find a better balance with the whey/dairy probiotic. I'm not sure if the increase in sour cream has been all that beneficial though....Just one of the many things I'm continuing to monitor.

So once again, very mixed results as we continue to work our way through the diet. Both the hubby and I feel a little like we're just fumbling in the dark at times, despite having the book as a guide. Hopefully as we continue to research and fine-tune the diet, we'll start seeing and feeling something more positive in our results.

side note: I've always had acne, and lately I've been noticing, especially on my face, quite a bit of healing. Not sure if it can be attributed to the diet, or the change in temperature here from winter to summer (less dry for the skin). I've also noticed my sweet cravings have almost completely disappeared. That's been the case, aside from the first few days, since the beginning. I use to live for sweets with a scheduled dessert EVERY night (as mentioned in an earlier post), and now I'm much more inclined to enjoy the savory foods. Hopefully these small changes will lead to more sweeping changes down the road. I'm still waiting for that awesome surge of energy, feeling less tired upon waking and more energized for the day ahead. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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