Thursday, June 13, 2013

Leaving the (GAPS) intro behind.

Not sure if my body is officially ready for this yet, but it's happening. The past week or so I've been slowly adding more food to get my diet back to something that resembles normality. The impetus? The continued UTI....

Almost two weeks ago now, I somehow contracted a UTI, which I don't recall ever having before (and based on this experience, I'm sure I would have remembered....). It was less than fun, and lingered on far longer than it should have. After a couple rounds of antibiotics (which I was non too plussed about taking), things seem to be back to normal, whatever that is. Throughout the process I tried to listen to my body closely, eating what it seemed to need whether it was part of the scheduled GAPS intro diet or not. As things continue to get better, I continue to add more variety of food, especially fresh/raw food. It's been a much needed change in texture, flavor, and variety. The hubby is still taking it slow, going a little more by the book, but seems to have made some good progress (not that he had any obvious issues to begin with.....).

So where do we go from here? More food! I'm very much looking forward to adding more to the diet while continuing to take what we've learned from the intro diet and applying it to our daily lives. Biggest thing I've taken out of this has been that quite a few of my issues seem to stem from gluten and sugar, not surprisingly. My face has continued to stay pretty darn clear, especially in comparison to before the diet. It's also been interesting to pair this experience with some of the concepts of Paul Chek's book How To Eat Move And Be Healthy. Overall, I've gained a much better perspective on what and how to eat, though the how seems to be in an ever "in-progress" state. I'm always learning how much fat is too much, is it the leaner protein that sits better with me, or would something heavier be a little more satisfying? What veggies cause me more issues, and how do I feel when I have a particular food? Ever evolving, but I do seem to have a much better grasp on what my body needs, and more importantly what it doesn't.

And before I forget, my most awesome discovery has been the use of juice pulp for crackers! I came across this recipe here, but find that these "meatless meatballs" actually work the best (updated recipe to come soon)! They are awesome to munch, a great way to use up the leftover juice pulp, and a much healthier substitute for traditional grain crackers. Can't wait to try it as a thin and crispy pizza crust! I also can't forget the awesome meatball recipe we tried. So tasty, so delicious, and again, the simplest of ingredients making the most awesomely flavored food. I'm a big spice person, so simplifying has been an interesting and wonderful experience for our cooking, and another big takeaway from this diet.

What I've learned:
Keep it simple.
Quality of ingredients does make a difference.
home made is safest and often tastiest!